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Renters Insurance Information

Is It Worth It to Get Renters Insurance?

Your personal possessions may be more valuable than you think, and replacing them after a fire or weather event that damages the building where you live could be prohibitively expensive. But if you have a renters insurance policy, it may cover your electronics, furniture, clothing, kitchen supplies and personal items.

While renters insurance is generally straightforward, getting the right policy for your needs can be confusing. Reach out to the experts at  A-Best Insurance in Houston, TX, with your questions about renters insurance. Call 713-681-1967 now to get this vital insurance coverage.

What Is Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance kicks in when your possessions are damaged or destroyed in a rented property, such as an apartment, house, condo or dorm. While it doesn’t cover the physical structure of the building where you live, it does help replace your possessions after a covered event such as a storm or act of vandalism or theft.

Like other types of insurance, your renters policy is a contract between you and an insurance company. You pay the premium, and the insurance company helps protect your finances if you file a claim.

What’s Included With Renters Insurance?

Your insurance agent can help you understand the coverage included with your renters insurance policy. In general, here’s what you can expect.

Loss of Use

Your landlord is responsible for insuring the building where you live, but if you have to move out temporarily to allow for repairs to the building, the loss of use portion of your policy helps reimburse you for increased living expenses such as hotel rooms and meals.


Your renters policy also includes liability coverage, which helps pay damages if you cause damage to someone else’s property or if you injure someone unintentionally.


This coverage helps protect your financial stake in your clothing, furniture and other personal possessions. Talk with your agent about choosing replacement cost (RC) insurance instead of actual cash value (ACV) insurance, so you can easily afford to replace your things, even if their market value has gone down since you purchased them.

How Much Does Renters Insurance Cost?

Renters insurance is typically inexpensive compared to auto or homeowners insurance. Even though it has a smaller price tag, it may offer tens of thousands of dollars in financial protection.

Here are a few of the factors that insurance companies consider when setting renters insurance premiums:

· Your location

· Your claims history

· How much coverage you need

· The type of building where you live

· Your policy deductible

· Whether you choose an actual cash value or replacement cost policy

You can get a quote by filling out our  Renters Quote Form.

Get Your Renters Insurance Policy Today

Renters insurance can help you replace your personal possessions if they are damaged or destroyed by a covered event. To learn about your renters insurance options and to get a policy, contact A-Best Insurance today

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