Flood Insurance Information
Over the past 50 years, every state has experienced flooding or some sort of flash flood. This means that as a homeowner or renter, you don’t have to live near a body of water to be exposed to the dangers of flooding. Heavy spring rains, a sudden thunderstorm or melting snow from the mountains hundreds of miles away can be enough to cause rising water and flooding in the most unexpected places.Everyone lives in a flood zone- a flood can happen any season, anywhere. If a flood happens to you the fastest and most economical way to recover is with a flood insurance policy. Your homeowners, business or other property policies do not cover flood insurance. Mortgage companies require that you purchase flood insurance prior to closing on your home when your house is located within a high-risk area. Flood insurance is the best way to protect yourself from devastating financial loss. At A-Best Insurance, we offer Flood insurance and it is available for homeowners, renters, condo owners/renters, and commercial owners/renters. Costs vary depending on how much insurance is purchased, what it covers and the property’s flood risk. Our flood insurance professionals will help to educate you on the thirty-day flood insurance waiting period and the items not covered by flood insurance. We will develop a personalized plan to provide you with adequate insurance coverage and at the same time save you money.

We will be happy to provide you with an online quote. Don’t wait for a disaster to happen. It only takes a few minutes call us today at 713-681-1967.

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