Mexican Auto Insurance in Houston, TX

If you plan on traveling to Mexico with your car, you’ll need to acquire a Mexican auto insurance policy
beforehand. It is required by law for tourists driving south of the border, whether it is in an auto,
recreational vehicle or motorcycle. What Does Mexican Auto Insurance Include?

Mexican auto insurance varies among policyholders but typically includes coverages such as the following:

  • Physical damage and theft
  • Excess liability in case of the death of a third party
  • Medical expenses
  • Legal and bail bond
  • Roadside assistance

The A-Best Insurance Agency agents can assist you in learning more about ways to customize your insurance

Do I Need Mexican Auto Insurance?
If you plan on taking your car to Mexico, you’ll need a Mexican auto insurance policy; typical American
auto insurance policies are not valid south of the border. Certain policies might extend coverage to areas
of Mexico, but only if the insurance provider is a licensed Mexican auto insurance agency. Talk to an agent
at A-Best Insurance Agency to find out more.

How Do I Get Covered?
You can usually acquire Mexican car insurance in two ways: Buy a policy at the border or acquire one online
before your trip. Purchasing coverage beforehand, however, is often less expensive. Regardless, the A-Best
agents can help you get covered.

Learn More
If you are looking for Mexican auto insurance and live near Houston, Texas, the dedicated agents at A-Best
Insurance Agency can help you learn more about the right policy for you and your vehicle during your stay in Mexico.

To learn more about potential policies, contact our agency at 713-681-1967 today.

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