Claims history: If you have a history of making quite a few claims, you’ll be viewed as a higher risk to insurance providers. This is simply because the more claims you make, the more money you cost your insurer. You will often pay less for coverage if you haven’t had the chance to use past policies very often.
Neighborhood: The safety of your neighborhood can be affected by weather patterns and crime rates. For instance, you may pay more to offset the higher risk of living near an ocean or in a dry area that’s prone to fires. Similarly, you may have higher rates if you live in a high-crime area.
Proximity to authorities: The ability of firefighters and police officers to get to your house quickly may be the difference between some damage and a total loss. So you may find that you pay lower rates if you live in close proximity to the authorities. Of course, installing smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, deadbolt locks, an alarm system and other security features can earn you a safety discount on your coverage.
Dogs: Dog lovers everywhere have a lot to say about the topic, but the unfortunate truth is that some dog breeds can cause your home insurance rates to go up—even if your pooch is docile. These breeds include Dobermans, Pitt Bulls, Rottweilers, Akitas, Great Danes and more.
Trampolines and swimming pools: While a fun activity for children and adults alike, both trampolines and swimming pools have been tied to thousands of injuries. Owning a trampoline and/or pool increases your liability risk, which can increase your premiums.
Credit score: Statistically speaking, people with good credit scores have proven themselves to be financially responsible. Those with poor credit scores have likely gotten into some financial trouble. So, higher credit scores look better in the eyes of insurance providers.
Wondering about the specifics of your household? Don’t hesitate to call our agency for personalized assistance!